I usually look briefly through the labs when they come through on the website. Before transplant I would click on each link with my eyes shut hoping to open them to good numbers. Since transplant I open them and comment on how perfect they are...not today. Today I was hit by a Mac truck. As I opened his ALT I was in complete shock to see the number more than ten times higher than it should be. I instantly began trying to convince myself that maybe he was just getting sick. I jumped over all the other results waiting to be looked through and went for the GGT. This number is the biggie when it comes to liver health and transplant. Dylan's number today was over five times higher than it usually is. My heart sank. Trying to forget all I know about lab values and what could be causing the jumps in these extremely vital numbers I frantically called Dylan's GI on his personal cell phone. His response was not what I wanted to hear but exactly what I knew he would say. I was told to call Stanford immediately.
I got off the phone with Dr. Rich and called the transplant team and spoke the GI on call. I proceeded to tell her what his labs looked like. I mentioned that that his labs have been rock solid since he was discharged and explained the level of panic I was experiencing. We come up with a game plan together. Tomorrow morning Dylan will be having his labs drawn again at Stanford. We will then be seen by the transplant team. If Dylan's labs are not better tomorrow he will be admitted for a biopsy and IV steroids. We are terrified and beside ourselves. I am holding out hope that there is another cause for what is going on. Hoping for a flu, cold or some other issue... anything other than the dreaded word rejection. Please say a prayer for Dylan. Pray for an easy fix.